Our Vision and Principles
Denham Film Campus will be a globally-important, state-of-the-art studio facility. It will provide the optimal mix and critical mass of film production, education and support facilities for a leading Film Campus to thrive. These production facilities will be set within a sustainable, landscape-led masterplan framework. Denham Film Campus will breathe life back into a despoiled site and provide real socio-economic benefits for local communities and beyond.
Landscape-driven – masterplanning ‘from the ground up’
The landscape of the site and its Green Belt setting is the primary masterplan consideration and can inform a green and sustainable Campus identity.
Green and Blue Networks – the landscape components
An interconnected network of green and blue corridors, routes and spaces provide a high-quality setting and outlook from buildings, which promotes ecological diversity and creates a rich public realm.
The Connected Campus – sustainable movement
A sustainable transport and movement strategy ensures the Campus is fully connected and easily accessible, whilst also providing safe and enjoyable cycle lanes and footpaths.
Function and Placemaking – built form
Buildings are arranged and designed to promote functionality and the creation of a new place within which collaboration is encouraged and where people can enjoy their surroundings.
Creative Communities – the Learning Campus
The masterplan promotes the creation of environments and opportunities for creative exchange, learning and interaction to promote the advancement of the industry.
The Healthy Campus – health and wellbeing
The Campus is designed to embed processes and facilities for the health and wellbeing of staff and visitors alike.
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