A Green and Connected Campus
A Green Campus
The team includes landscape architects, ecologists, arboricultarists and sustainable drainage professionals who have worked together to create a diverse, connective and multi-functional network of green spaces, features and habitats running throughout the Campus.

• +15% Biodiversity Net Gain
• Increased tree cover
• Buffers to all woodland
• Ancient woodland protection
• New habitat creation
• Sustainable drainage network

A Connected Campus
Denham Film Campus is planned and designed to be both easily accessible by sustainable forms of transport from surrounding communities and to have attractive, sustainable and safe networks of streets, paths and cycleways linking through all spaces and places within the ‘Campus heart’ and ‘Filming Clusters’.

• Prioritise active travel and minimise car dependency
• Connected arrival hubs
• Sustainable access to jobs
• Innovative transit solutions
• Public & private interfaces

Active Travel ‘spine’ connects all Campus neighbourhoods and links key mobility hubs

Mobility Hubs within decked parking structures allow transfer to active travel modes

Parking is provided within attractive, multi-functional buildings and in an amount that encourages active travel

A clear delineation of ‘public’ and ‘private’ access and areas managed through a two-tiered security system

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