Key Benefits and Partnerships
Key Benefits
• Restoration of a despoiled former landfill site for beneficial reuse.
• Meeting the proven and clear need for purpose-built film studios in a sustainable location, with demonstrated absence of alternative suitable sites.
• Increasing the potential for investment in UK film production.
• Delivering social and economic benefits to the wider community.
Together these benefits justify development of the former landfill site to deliver Denham Film Campus.
Partnering with Education
• Training Centre hire for organisations with partner status’ (e.g. BNU and BCG).
• Regular screenings and masterclasses on-site for local residents and visitors.
• Sustainable transport from local public transport hubs.
• Courses year-round in the evenings and weekends (including school holidays).
• ‘Access open days’ for local residents and visitors.
• Apprenticeships, internships and placements offered for studio roles.
• Digital access to masterclass content

The overall masterplan will have a number of distinctive character areas within it to maximise biodiversity, ecology and create a sense of pedestrian scale and amenity within the campus.
The character areas will each in turn help towards creating a more sustainable development through the enhancement and protection of existing landscape designations on site.
Protection of any Ancient and broadleaf woodland present on the boundaries and central to the site have been a key driver for the Masterplan layout.

The Studio Group (TSG) are key members of the development team working with UWH and the specialist co-consultant team on the evolution of the Masterplan proposals.
The founders of TSG have experience across the entertainment industry, including finance, production, studio development, studio operations, distribution and marketing.
The Education Hub could include:
• Training Centre facilities.
• Hands-on experience with production.
• Facilities for virtual and volumetric production.
• A commitment to provide relevant and up-to-date equipment and technology.
• A focus on Below the Line (BTL) roles and skills, such as trades, crafts, finance, legal, etc.
• Integration of local ‘Into Film’ clubs into school programmes.
• A ‘blended space’ used for both education and leased to productions.

Denham Film Campus will provide a lasting legacy, significant additional employment and significant economic benefit to the local community in both the long and short term. Denham Film Campus will elicit large, ongoing inward investment from international productions into the United Kingdom.
As an internationally established and recognised group in entertainment media, TSG will work closely with the British Film Commission, Film London and the British Film Institute to achieve these goals.
Denham Film Campus could host as much as £600 million in annual film and TV production expenditure. This would generate approximately £500 million in additional gross value added (GVA), annually for the UK economy (including direct, indirect and induced economic impact).
Given the close proximity of Pinewood Studios and the film and TV production services businesses located there, the local economic impact could be even higher than indicated by these preliminary estimates.

SP Broadway is hosting this website on behalf of UWH Developments.